ERP 3392519 Dryer Thermal Fuse WP3392519


Shop Exact Replacement Part Number 3392519 DRYER THERMAL FUSE WP3392519 Reference OEM Whirlpool UPC 840993010651, 840993032721

Nominal Next Day Shipping near me, near Jackson,MS.,near New Orleans,LA.,near Monroe,LA., near Memphis,TN.,near Birmingham,AL.,near Mobile,AL.,near Pensacola,FL., Order before 12 CDT Monday thru Thursday, Friday mail only

Replaces wp3392519,3392519, 2986, 3388651, 694511, 80005, ET401, PS11741460, WP3392519VP,AP6008325


ERP 3392519 DRYER THERMAL FUSE WP3392519 840993032721.The fuse is a fail-safe that stops the electricity to the motor when the vent temperature exceeds 192C. This is to reduce the number of fires which began from overheating circumstances. The dryer runs most efficiently with the shortest and straightest 4″ exhaust pipe or venting.

Additional information

Weight 0.00625 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 0.25 × 0.75 in


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